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  1. CM5033 Material Culture & Values

    will first define essential aspects of the material and analyse different theoretical approaches to the ...

  2. CM5070 Media, Gender & Globalization

    consumption and institutions, and apply various methods of analysis to a range of global media. We will ...

  3. FR3046 Two French Classics

    every year according to the instructor’s interests. FR (French) ...

  4. GK4070 Advanced Study In Ancient Greek

    study in ancient Greek according to the wishes of the student. This course can be taken several times ...

  5. LW5000 International Public Law

    course introduces the student to the nature, major principles, processes and institutions of the ...

  6. SC1080 Animal Behavior

    scientific method to carry out lab- and field-based research projects. *Lab required. Please note that an ...

  7. CM1011 Journalism: Writing & Reporting

    techniques as well as style and tone. They will analyze possible sources, define angles, and learn to write ...

  8. AH3065 Pop Art And Pop Culture

    of us raised on postmodernist interdisciplinarity. We tend to forget that autonomy is always ...

  9. HI2011 Early Islamic History

    introduction to the first century and a half of Islamic society, 600-700 AD. It builds on knowledge of ways of ...

  10. ME2011 Early Islamic History

    introduction to the first century and a half of Islamic society, 600-700 AD. It builds on knowledge of ways of ...
