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Search results

  1. Writers and Translators Panel Welcomes Thai Author Prabda Yoon

    Literature at AUP. They addressed an audience of AUP students and members of the public. Setting the tone in ... intimate portraits of urban life, presenting modern Bangkok through the physical interactions of its ... portraits of city life when the focus has been on the provinces.” 100 Image ...

  2. Bridging culture and curriculum: Dr. Christy Shields’ innovative work on food offers opportunities for experiential learning

    There, she discovered not just a different food production system, but a way of life based on local ... itself is extremely global.” AUP’s diverse student body, she notes, brings an inherently global ... with surprise. Students arrive thinking, great! We're going to eat a lot of cheese, and ...

  3. Ann Mott

    two Student Service Awards from the SGA “For her exemplary service to the student body of The American ... University of Paris.” “Blending the Styles:  Exploring Students’ Views on the Merging of the Creative with ... how can campus partnerships inform learning spaces, creativity, and student success?“-  a paper ...

  4. Using Anthropology to Understand Public Trust in Big Food

    T. McGovern Grand Salon of AUP’s Combes Student Life Center. 100 Image ... multinational food corporations. The speakers addressed an audience of students, staff and faculty in the David ...

  5. An Alumna’s Nonconformist Tips for Making Paris Your Own

    easy task. What helped me during university was hanging out in bars filled with French students. The ... I once read an article about a 40-year-old writer who recalled her experience in Paris as a student. She ... said it was probably the happiest time of her life being young and carefree and feeling limitless. It ...

  6. Communication & Civil Society

    theory. Develop critically informed practical tools, strategies and methods applicable to public life: in ... with professors and fellow students (aimed at change); visits to the classroom from professionals ... and development in the context of capitalism. The course will introduce the student to the concerns, ...

  7. Free Exercise Resources for Keeping Fit from Home

    world, people are finding new and innovative ways to keep fit without leaving the house. Not only is ... lengths to adapt to different moments of your day.  If you’ve got children in the house and are looking ...

  8. Fashion Talks at AUP: How Kim Hou Gets Workers’ Voices Heard

    workers, consumers and the “fashion elite.” The program started as Hou’s graduation project for the Design ... industry, Kim Hou’s talk inspired the audience to rethink global hierarchies and discriminatory practices ...

  9. Lee Huebner: Reflections on Globalization, Democracy and the Media

    the President of the United States and Deputy Director of the White House Writing and Research Staff ...

  10. Kate Matthews

    small islands have been made with gardens and houses on them. On a nice Spring day, it is the perfect ...
