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AUP Degree Guide
Every AUP major is designed a bit differently. They all have some core courses that all students within the major must take and some major electives. At AUP, students and advisors use degree worksheets to track students' progress through their degrees – including major and GLACC requirements. Degree worksheets are organized by major and by catalog year.
Degree worksheets vary from one academic catalog year to another. They are adapted each year to reflect changes to the curriculum including the core curriculum and major and minor requirements. For this reason, all undergraduate students are now required to officially declare the academic catalog year they are following. Undergraduates may choose to follow the catalog year of the term they began their studies at AUP, or any subsequent catalog year. Students should make this choice intentionally, with the guidance of their advisor, and confirm their choice via their student portal.
Art History (Post-Renaissance - Option 1)
Art History (Pre-Renaissance - Option 2)
Communication and Civil Society
Creative Writing (Creative Arts)
EMS Environmental Sustainability
EMS NGO & Mission-Based Management
International & Comparative Politics
International Business Administration
Mathematics & Computer Science
Philosophy, Politics & Economics
Art History (Post-Renaissance Option) 2022-2023
Art History (Pre-Renaissance Option) 2022-2023
Communication and Civil Society 2022-2023
Comparative Literature 2022-2023
Computer Science (ICT Track) 2022-2023
Creative Writing (Creative Arts) 2022-2023
Environmental Studies 2022-2023
Gender, Sexuality & Society 2022-2023
Global Communications 2022-2023
History, Law & Society 2022-2023
International & Comparative Politics 2022-2023
International Business Administration 2022-2023_redesigned.xlsx
International Economics 2022-2023
International Finance 2022-2023
Mathematics & Computer Science 2022-2023
Middle East Pluralities 2022-2023
View past Undergraduate Program Worksheets here.
The Global Liberal Arts Core Curriculum (GLACC) degree requirements include:
To graduate with an undergraduate degree from AUP you need to earn a minimum of 128 credits. For many students, the courses they take to satisfy the requirements of the core curriculum and of their major do not get them to the required minimum of 128 credits, and so the possibility of exploration opens up. A student majoring in international business administration may choose to take an art history course because they are interested in the art market. Or a student majoring in psychology may choose to take a public speaking course to be better prepared to present their research at academic conferences. There are a wide range of opportunities available that students are encouraged to discuss with their advisor or a staff member in the ACE Center.
Graduate students: For current graduate degree requirements, please visit the respective graduate program page and look at program requirements.
AUP Degree Guide