Daniel Medin
- Department: Comparative Literature and English
- Complementary Department(s): History and Politics
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A former fellow of the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation (Berlin) and visiting researcher at the Centre Interdisciplinaire de Recherches Centre-Européennes (Sorbonne-Paris IV), Professor Medin joined the faculty of The American University of Paris in January 2010. He has taught German, English and comparative literature at Stanford University, Washington University in St. Louis and the Free University Berlin. His research is principally concerned with contemporary international fiction and the work and global reception of Franz Kafka. He also teaches classes on the history and literature of Central Europe; autobiographical writing; editorial practices (particularly for fiction in translation); and small prose forms. He is a director of the Center for Writers and Translators and one of the editors of its Cahiers Series. Past editorial associations include Astra Magazine, Music & Literature, The White Review, and Schreibheft. He has judged numerous literary prizes, among them the International Booker Prize, the HKW Internationaler Literaturpreis; the Prix Fragonard de littérature étrangère; the European Union Prize for Literature; the Dublin Literary Award; and the Best Translated Book Award.
- PhD, Washington University in St. Louis
- MA, Washington University in St. Louis
- BA, University of Connecticut
- For descriptions of all numbers published in The Cahiers Series click here.
- Museum Visits by Eric Chevillard. Ed. Daniel Medin and Daniel Levin Becker. Preface by Medin, translated by Levin Becker. New Haven and London: Yale University Press, 2024.
- “Resisting Stereotypes: Art, Activism and the Literature Industry” (with Elleke Boehmer et al.). Authorship, Activism and Celebrity: Art and Action in a Global Literature. Ed. Sandra Mayer and Ruth Scobie. London: Bloomsbury, 2022/2023, pp. 82-93.
- Can Xue dossier for Schreibheft containing short fiction and interviews translated into German by Eva Schestag with contributions by Ann Cotton, Raphaela Edelbauer, Jakob Kraner, and Sjon. Essen, Germany: August, 2022.
- Mary Ruefle dossier for Schreibheft containing poems, short prose, lectures, erasures, and interviews translated into German by Esther Kinsky and Anja Utler with a contribution by Clemens J. Setz. Essen, Germany: August, 2021.
- “Die Quelle als Ziel : Joshua Cohen im Gespräch mit Daniel Medin.” From Joshua Cohen dossier for Schreibheft edited by Jan Wilm. Essen, Germany : August 2020.
- "Promoting Translation through a Literary Center" (with Hanna Gressler). La tâche poétique du traducteur. Ed. Catherine Coquio, Céline Barral and Inès Cazalas. Paris: Textuel, September 2020.
- Volume 9 on and by Peter Bichsel and Sylvia Legris (edited volume), May 2019.
- “Robert Walser’s Jewish Berlin.” A Companion to Robert Walser. Ed. Samuel Frederick and Rebecca Schuman. Evanston, Ill.: Northwestern University Press, June 2018.
- Volume 8 on and by Eric Chevillard, Mark Turner, and Unsuk Chin (edited volume), November 2017.
- Volume 7 of Music & Literature on and by Paul Griffiths, Lera Auerbach and Ann Quin (edited volume), May 2016.
- Volume 6 of Music & Literature on and by Alejandra Pizarnik, Dubravka Ugrešić, and Victoria Polevá (edited volume), April 2015.
- “Le Kafka de J.-M. Coetzee.” Les Cahiers de L'Herne: Franz Kafka. Ed. Wolfgang Asholt, Georges-Arthur Goldschmidt, and Jean-Pierre Morel. Paris: Editions de l'Herne, October 2014.
- Volume 5 of Music & Literature on and by Kaija Saariaho, Can Xue, and Stig Sæterbakken (edited volume), October 2014.
- Volume 4 of Music & Literature on and by Clarice Lispector, Barry Guy, Maya Homburger, and Mary Ruefle (edited volume), April 2014.
- Volume 3 of Music & Literature on and by Gerald Murnane, Vladimír Godár, and Iva Bittová (edited volume), October 2013.
- “All the Bad Things.” Review of The Jew Car by Franz Fühmann, trans. Isabel Cole, and The Devil’s Workshop by Jáchym Topol, trans. Alex Zucker. Times Literary Supplement, 27 September 2013.
- Volume 2 of Music & Literature on and by László Krasznahorkai, Béla Tarr, and Max Neumann (edited volume), April 2013.
- “The Woman Who Disapperared: Traces of Kafka in Das nackte Auge.” Études germaniques. Special issue on Yoko Tawada, January 2011.
- Three Sons: Franz Kafka and the Fiction of J.M. Coetzee, Philip Roth, and W.G. Sebald. Avant-Garde and Modernism Studies, ed. Rainer Rumold and Marjorie Perloff. Evanston, Ill.: Northwestern University Press (March 2010).
- “Like the Sunrise.” Review of The Tanners by Robert Walser and Robert Walser: Sein Leben in Bildern und Texten by Bernhard Echte. Times Literary Supplement (March 31, 2010).
- “Decisive Days.” Review of Kafka: Die Jahre der Entkenntnis by Rainer Stach. Times Literary Supplement (April 24, 2009).
- “Simply Made Up: Franz Kafka in W.G. Sebald’s Dr. K.s Badereise nach Riva.” Ed. Mark Rectanus. Über Gegenwartsliteratur. Aisthesis Verlag, 2008.
- “Liebliche Lüge? Philip Roth’s ‘Looking at Kafka.’” Comparative Literature Studies Volume 44.1-2 (2007).
Conferences & Lectures
- “Trends and Tendencies in Contemporary European Literature” with Kholod Saghir, María Sheila Cremaschi, and Lucie Campos, Bergen International Literature Festival, Bergen, February 2025.
- “A Conversation about Biotope” with Orly Castel-Bloom, American University of Paris, January 2025.
- “Über das Lesen im Schreiben” with Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie, International Literature Festival BuchBasel, Basel, November 2024.
- “Autobiographical Writing: On A Sky Inside Us” with Jakuta Alikavazovic, American University of Paris, November 2024.
- “Autobiographical Writing: On The Body Where I Was Born” with Guadalupe Nettel, American University of Paris, October 2024.
- “The Ghosts of Paris” with Lauren Elkin at American Library in Paris, collaboration with CWT, October 2024.
- “Glimpses into Kafka’s Workshop” with Ross Benjamin, Carolin Duttlinger, and Ian Ellison, Oxford University, October 2024.
- “Understanding Kafka: The Legacy Today” with Sarah Bernstein and Yoko Tawada, Cheltenham Literature Festival, Cheltenham, October 2024.
- “Understanding Kafka: The Diaries and Letters” with Ross Benjamin and Karolina Watroba, Cheltenham Literature Festival, Cheltenham, October 2024.
- “Understanding Kafka: Reading The Metamorphosis” with Yoko Tawada and Karolina Watroba, Cheltenham Literature Festival, Cheltenham, October 2024.
- “Im hellen Tag: Kafkas Sprachen” at Literarische Colloquium Berlin with László F. Földényi, Sebastian Guggolz, and Yoko Tawada, Berlin, July 2024.
- “‘What Do I Have in Common with Jews?’: Kafka and Belonging” with Ross Benjamin at Transatlantic Kafka: American and European Perspectives on Kafka’s Work, Maisel Synagogue, Prague, June 2024.
- “Franz Kafka and Max Brod” with Elif Batuman at Transatlantic Kafka: American and European Perspectives on Kafka’s Work, Maisel Synagogue, Prague, June 2024.
- “A Transnational Life” with Jakuta Alikavazovic, Rumena Bužarovska and Elik Lettinga at The Witch’s Triumph: A Tribute to Dubravka Ugrešić, collaboration between CWT, the Harriman Institute, and the Institute for Ideas & Imagination (Columbia University), Paris, June 2024.
- “100 Years of Kafka: The Life and Legacy” with Naomi Alderman & Mircea Cărtărescu at Dublin International Literature Festival, May 2024.
- “What We Do in the Shadows” with Mariana Enríquez at Dublin International Literature Festival, May 2024.
- “Grappling with Social Conventions and Wartime Violence,” Pajtim Statovci and Rumena Bužarovska, Bibliotopia Festival, Fondation Jan Michalski, Montricher, March 204.
- “Love in the Face of Disease: Sorrow and Comfort” with Semezdin Mehmedinović and Hanne Ørstavik, Bibliotopia Festival, Fondation Jan Michalski, Montricher, March 2024.
- “Found in Translation” with Gunnhild Øyehaug and Frode Grytten, Bergen International Literature Festival, Bergen, February 2024.
- “Reading Sally Rooney” with Carina Beddari and Eirik Vassenden, Bergen International Literature Festival, Bergen, February 2024.
- “Possible Lives” with Maria Stepanova, American Library in Paris, collaboration with CWT as part of the Entre Nous series co-organized by Columbia Global Centers and the Institute for Ideas & Imagination, November 2023.
- “A Conversation about The Retrospective” with Juan Gabriel Vásquez, American University of Paris, November 2023.
- “Translating Fernanda Melchor’s Paradais into German” with Angelica Ammer, American University of Paris, October 2023.
- “Picking Evil Flowers” with Gunnhild Øyehaug, American Library in Paris in collaboration with CWT, NORLA and Shakespeare and Company, September 2023.
- “Comment dire les traumas de l’Histoire” with Gabriela Adamesteanu, Marisa Cornejo and Han Kang, Le Livre sur les quais, Morges, September 2023.
- “On Fractured Identities, Connections and Communication” with Natasha Brown and Han Kang, Le Livre sur les quais, Morges, September 2023.
- “Rencontre des ambassadeurs : Découvrir la littérature roumaine” with Gabriela Adamesteanu, Radu Bata and Ioanid Radu, Le Livre sur les quais, Morges, September 2023.
- “Small Odysseys” with Beata Umubyeyi Mairesse, International Literature Festival, Dublin, May 2023.
- “L'infinie possibilité de la fiction” with Lauren Groff and Lucie Rico, Littérature Live, Lyon, May 2023.
- “Casting New Light on Colonial History: An Ethiopian Epic” with Maaza Mengiste, Bibliotopia Festival, Fondation Jan Michalski, Montricher, April 2023.
- “Into the Family Archives, the Uncertainty and Value of Memory” with Maria Stepanova and Monika Sznajderman, Bibliotopia Festival, Fondation Jan Michalski, Montricher, April 2023.
- “Translating Geetanjali Shree’s Ret samadhi (Tomb of Sand) into French” with Annie Montaut, American University of Paris, February 2023.
- “A Conversation about Chinatown” with Thûan, American University of Paris, February 2023.
- “The African Country that Defeated Europe” with Maaza Mengiste, Bergen International Literature Festival, Bergen, February 2023.
- “New Norwegian Voices” with Sandra Lillebø, Monica Isakstuen and Eivind Riise Hauge, Bergen International Literature Festival, Bergen, February 2023.