Professor Slavkova has a PhD in Art History from Paris I Panthéon-Sorbonne dealing with the reaction of several avant-garde art movements to the humanism crisis around World World I. Stemming from this interdisciplinary dissertation, her monograph “Réparer l'homme. La crise de l’humanisme et l’Homme nouveau des avant-gardes autour de la Grande Guerre (1909-1929)” (2020, Dijon, Presses du Réel) explores the New Man of Futurism and the Bauhaus, their faith in the construction of a better world thanks to the Great War, their take on the evolving definitions of the self and the humanist subject in the beginning of the 20th century. Prof. Slavkova is actually working on a second book on artworld in Paris after World War II, focussing on the largely downplayed concept of abhumanism, and artists such as Jacques Audiberti, Camille Bryen and Wols. This project participates in a larger scholarly effort to reassess the European avant-garde after the Second World War, and to redefine the very notion of the avant-garde after this second catastrophe in the heart of the European civilization. She has edited volumes and published papers on topics related to art in the context of the world wars as well as on art education.
- PhD, Modern and Contemporary Art History, Paris I Panthéon-Sorbonne
- MA, Modern and Contemporary Art History, Paris I Panthéon-Sorbonne
- BA, Art History and Archaelogy, Université de Montpellier II Paul-Valéry
Scholarly work accepted for publication
- Earth as a Desert. Ecology and Surrealism, Delaware, Vernon Press, co-edited with Anne-Marie Butler (Kalamazoo College), Donna Roberts (University of Helsinki), expected Fall 24. The question of ecology is central to Global Art History and Surrealism studies in particular. The book deals with surrealist conception of nature through the lens humanism crisis, gender norms, (post)colonial issues, criticism of normative positivist scientific methodologies.
- Research project HdR at the University jean Monnet Saint-Etienne « L’abhumanisme, l’avant-garde et l’art à Paris après la Seconde Guerre mondiale. » (working title), HDR project (Habilitation à diriger des recherches), supervisor Fabrice Flahutez (Professor, Université Lyon-Saint-Etienne), which I am intending to publish after completion. The project summarizes my research in the past 10 years. Key topics were presented at various conferences and all my recent articles explore aspects of this subject. In the French University system an HdR (Habilitation à diriger des recherches) is a second doctorate which qualifies the candidate to become a Professor and to direct PhDs and sit of PhD juries. I am intending to publish this work as a monograph after completion.
- Spring 2024, Cycle of conferences “Decolonizing the avant-garde”, with Sascha Bru (KU Leuven) and Isabelle Wünsche (Constructor University Bremen) The cycle will comprehend three days of invited talks given by major scholars working on the decentering and decolonization of the the history of the avant-gardes. Hopefully, it will take place at AUP in May 24.
- Fall 2024, 5th conference of the ISSS (International Society for the Study of Surrealism) in Paris with Julia Drost (Centre allemand d’Histoire de l’art), Fabrice Flahutez ((Université Jean Monnet Saint-Etienne) and Olivier Penot-Laccassaigne (Université Paris 3) https://surrealismstudies.org/isss-surrealisms-2021-schedule-and-how-to-join/ The 3d in-person conference will take place at AUP in the Fall of 2024 (during the break). 2024 is the centennial of the Manifesto, many events are scheduled in Paris, which is the birthplace of Surrealism. We are working on collaboration with major French institution (MNAM/Centre Pompidou) and are expecting a large number of submissions.
2020, Réparer l'homme. La Crise de l'humanisme et l'Homme nouveau des avant-gardes autour de la Grande Guerre (1909-1929), Presses du réel (Dijon) https://www.lespressesdureel.com/ouvrage.php?id=2218
Review 1 by Catherine Dufour, in Mélusine en ligne, 2020 https://melusine-surrealisme.fr/wp/iveta-slavkova-reparer-lhomme-la-crise-de-lhumanisme-et-lhomme-nouveau-des-avant-gardes-autour-de-la-grande-guerre-1909-1929/
Review 2 by Mariana Pinto dos Santos, « Italian Futurism and the Bauhaus through the lens of humanism », Revista de História da Arte: “Art in the Periphery — hommage to Foteini Vlachou", n°9, 2021 (https://institutodehistoriadaarte.files.wordpress.com/2021/05/rha_w_9.pdf) p. 127- 131.
Review 3 by Abigael van Aelst (KU Leuven), in European Legacy, vol. 27, n° 7-8, 2022.
2023, Les Avant-gardes européennes (1905-1935). Guide illustré, Paris, Hermann, Sascha Bru (author), Iveta Slavkova (translator)
Original English title The European Avant-Gardes (1905-1935). A Portable Guide, Edinburgh University Press, 2018
2022, Crisis, Berlin, De Gruyter. 7th volume of the series “European Avant-Garde and Modernism Studies”, co-edited David Ayers (University of Kent), Sascha Bru (KU Leuven), Li Lin (University of Antwerpen), Kate Kangashlahti (KU Leuven)
My contribution: First reader for ¼ of the articles and second reader for half of them
https://www.degruyter.com/document/doi/10.1515/9783110773637/html, digital copy at AUP library
2013, “Histoire des arts: une méthode des exemples”, Documentation photographique/La documentations française, n° 8091, co-authored with Marianne Cojannot-Le Blanc (Université de Paris Ouest)
My contribution: half of the introduction and ¾ of the double pages and entries
2010, “Les Années 1930 : art et résistance. Éveil politique et engagement des artistes”, Dissidences, n°9, co-edited with Jean-Paul Salles (Université de la Rochelle) and Vincent Chambarlhac (Université de Dijon)
My contribution: half of the introduction and editing of all the articles
peer-reviewed articles
2022, “Camille Bryen Avant-Gardist/Abhumanist: A Reappraisal of an Artist Who Called Himself the “Best-Known of the Unknown”, Arts, Volume 11, Issue 2, 43
Arts is a recent open edition journal whose impact index is 0,5 (source website MDPI), an excellent score for our discipline (in comparison the highest score for the prestigious Art Bulletin was 0.49 in 2014).
2021, “The Strange Destiny of Wols, the « French Pollock ». Reflections on Abhumanism and the the Parisian avant-garde in “Periphery” after World-War II, Revista de História da Arte: “Art in the Periphery — Homage to Foteini Vlachou", n°9, May 2021, 83-97. (https://institutodehistoriadaarte.files.wordpress.com/2021/05/rha_w_9.pdf)
RHA is bound to the dynamic Art History Institute of the NOVA university in Lisbon, indexed by ERIHPLUS.
2020, “Cemetery=Civilization: Circus Wols, World War II and the collapse of humanism”, Arts: “World War, Art, and Memory: 1914 to 1945”, Volume 9, Issue 3 (https://www.mdpi.com/2076-0752/9/3/93)
Arts is a recent open edition journal whose impact index is 0,5 (source website MDPI), an excellent score for our discipline (in comparison the highest score for the prestigious Art Bulletin was 0.49 in 2014).
2017, “Histoire de l’art, histoire, culture visuelle”, Histoire@politique, n°33; special issue edited by Cécile Pichon-Bonin, Anastasia Simoniello, Jerôme Bazin: Image, éducation et communisme dans l’Europe des années 1920-1930 (http://www.histoire-politique.fr/index.php?numero=33&rub=pistes&item=39)
Histoire@politique is edited by the Centre d’Histoire de Sciences Po. Accessible through the academic platform CAIRN, it is now Open Edition.
2011, “La bouteille de Wols, la plume de Sartre et une histoire à réécrire”, Food & History, vol. 9, n°1; special issue edited by Valérie Boudier and Frédérique Desbuissons: “Inebriating Creations ; from the 16th to the 20th Century. Alcohol as Motor, Motif, and Metaphor in (Early) Modern Art”
Published by the European Institute for the History and Cultures of Food, Food & History is the leading European journal in the field of food history, with impact factor 0.176 (source SCI journal).
Other academic articles and book chapters
2019, “Utopies sociales et politiques des avant-gardes 1912-1968”, La Vie intelectuelle en France xixe et xxe siècles, vol. 2, Paris, Editions Points, edited by Laurent Jeanpierre and Christophe Charles, second edition (first published 2016, Editions du Seuil)
First edition on 2016 at Editions du Seuil
A key reference book written by specialists worldwide, the book was acclaimed in France (https://www.lemonde.fr/livres/article/2016/09/15/les-intellectuels-francais-parlent-et-font parler_4997834_3260.html) and republished three years after the first edition.
2014, “La marginalité comme condition de l’art : l’alcoolisme de Wols vu par Sartre”, Arts drogués. Expériences psychotropiques et création artistique, Presses universitaires de Paris Ouest, edited by Miguel Egaña et Fabrice Flahutez https://books.openedition.org/pupo/8273
Related to the exhibition Sous influence at Maison Rouge (Paris), the book was presented at a round-table at this venue, now accessible in Open Edition.
2013, “L’homme entre alpha et omega : vertus et périls de l’unité absolue. Le logo de Schlemmer pour le Bauhaus”, Histoire de l’art, n° 71 ; special issue edited by Camille Morando : L’Écrit dans l’œuvre
One of the leading art journals in France, edited by the Associations des Professeurs d’archéologie et d’histoire de l’art, Histoire de l’art is indexed by HAL Archives ouvertes (CCSD), Journal Base (CNRS) et Mir@bel (Institut National d’Histoire de l’art), and accessible freely through the platform Persée.
2013, “Surviving the Collapse of Humanism after World War II: the ‘Abhumanist’ Response of J. Audiberti and C. Bryen”, Contemporary French & Francophone Studies SITES, vol. 3, n°17
Published by the University of Connecticut and Taylor & Francis and active on both sides of the Atlantic, SITES encourages a transdisciplinary and global approach to French culture. It has an impact index of 0.021 (source SCI journal).
2011, “L’Humanisme aussi est un mythe. Prolégomènes à une peinture abhumaniste”, Art et mythe, Presses universitaires de Paris Ouest, edited by Thierry Dufrêne and Fabrice Flahutez : https://books.openedition.org/pupo/1994?lang=fr
2010, “L’Exil avorté de Wols au comité Fry. Pour une multiplicité des résistances”, Dissidences n°9 ; special issue edited by Vincent Chambarlhac, Jean-Paul Salles and Iveta Slavkova: Les Années 1930 : art et résistance. Éveil politique et engagement des artistes
Dissidences was an academic journal whose goal was to explore leftist political thought and culture, supported by the Université de Bourgogne. It has been suceeded by a blog on Hypothèses.org (https://dissidences.hypotheses.org ). I am also the editor of this volume.
2007, “Deux aspects de la crise de l’humanisme dans l’entre-deux-guerres”, Mélusine, n°XXVII
Mélusine is the journal Centre de Recherches sur le Surréalisme at the Université Paris 3. It is a leading publication in the field of Surrealism and has contributed to a global approach to this movement.
Conference Proceedings
2018, « Entre charme et effroi. « Circus Wols », le récit de Wols des années terribles », in Nathalie Ponsard and Jean-Pierre Caron (ed.), La France en guerre : cinq « années terribles » 1792-1793 / 1814-1815 / 1870-1871 / 1914-1915 / 1939-1940, Rennes, PUR. https://books.openedition.org/pur/170448
The book unites French scholars of different disciplines, now accessible in Open Edition. My contribution was noticed by a reviewer as one of the most interesting in the volume (https://journals.openedition.org/rh19/6781)
2016, “From eternal knight to modern hero. The aviator as the New Man of the avant-garde at the outbreak of the Great War”, 1914: Guerre et Avant-gardes, Presses universitaires de Paris Ouest, edited by Marine Branland
The conference and publication were organized on the occasion of the centennial of the Great War, scholars from different parts of the world took part in it.
2012, “The Saatchi Collection Between Art Loving and Self-interested Investment”, Modernity of Collection, Torun, Contemporary Art Centre/University of Copernic
The conference and the publication accompanied the opening of the Museum of Contemporary Art in Torun (Poland).
2011, “Le Futurisme entre propagande et revendication libertaire”, Art & Propagande : jeux inter-dits/Gevaarlijk spel tussen kunst en propaganda, published as special issue of Témoigner/Getuigen : revue pluridisciplinaire de la Fondation Auschwitz, n°111, edited by Luba Jurgenson et Philippe Mesnard https://www.auschwitz.be/images/_bulletin_trimestriel/111_slavkova.pdf
A transdisciplinary international conference was organized by the Auschwitz Foundation, and published as a special issue of its journal.
2010, “Dalí entre 1925-1929. Le désir n’est pas humaniste”, Dalí. Sur les traces d’Eros, edited by Geneva, Editons Notari, edited by Frédérique Joseph-Lowery and Isabelle Roussel-Gillet
The Cerisy conferences are a landmark for the humanities. The conference united specialists of Dali on international scale.
2009, “La Révolution surréaliste, un travail collectif pour défaire le sujet”, La Fabrique surréaliste, actes du séminaire du Centre de Recherches sur le Surréalisme/University of Paris III, edited by Maryse Vassevière, http://melusine-surrealisme.fr/henribehar/wp/wp-content/uploads/2014/10/5.-Fabrique_BAT.pdf
The online publication of the seminar of the Centre de recherches sur le Surréalisme.
2004, “Circus Wols, un projet de Wols au camp des Milles”, Les Ecrits d’artistes depuis 1940, Caen, Editions de l’IMEC, edited by Françoise Levaillant
In relation with the installation of the IMEC archives in the Abbaye d’Ardenne, near Caen, this large conference united established scholars and PhD students like me, as well as writers (Alain Robbe-Grillet was there). This is my first academic publication.
exhibition catalogues
2017, « Horreur et rédemption dans l’œuvre de guerre de Zinoview », Alexandre Zinoview. Un peintre russe sur le front français (1914-1918), edited by Cécile Pichon-Bonin et Alexandre Sumpf, Paris, Editions Gallimard ; exhibition at Péronne, Historial de la Grande Guerre, May 18—December 10 2017 https://www.librairie-gallimard.com/livre/9782072721687-alexandre-zinoviev-un-artiste-russe-sur-le-front-occidental-collectif/
The catalog accompanies the exhibit Alexandre Zinoview at the Historial de la Grande Guerre at Péronne, a leading institution in the study of the Great War. It is the first major publication on this artist (https://www.jstor.org/stable/26541518) and a beautiful illustrated volume by the iconic Parisian publisher Gallimard.
2008, Work comments for five artworks in Le Futurisme et Paris, edited by Didier Ottinger, Paris/Milan, Editions du Centre Pompidou/5 Continents, translated into English and Italian; exhibition at the MNAM/Centre Pompidou, October 15, 2008—January 29, 2009
This large exhibition shown in the Musée National d’Art Moderne in Paris traveled to Italy (Scuderie del Quirinale in Rome) and in Great Britain (Tate Modern), the catalog (including my comments) were translated into Italian and English.
2011, French Literature Textbook, High school Junior Year, Paris, Editions Nathan:
Hard copy textbook
Digital textbook with interactive resources (animations, and interactive visual analysis)
Teacher’s book (suggested answers and additional development on the images)
Nathan is one of the largest publishers for textbooks and school materials in France. The textbook is cross-disciplinary and was very successful (72366 items sold the first two years). I conceived the 16 double pages in the section Histoire des arts, the related digital resources and the teacher’s book. I was invited to participate due to my teaching in the Master program “Professeurs des écoles” at the university of Nanterre.
2022, « A Different Causality and a Different Reality : Analysis of the Absurd in French Dada and Pre-surrealist Theatre », Theatralia, vol. 25, issue 1. Review of Mariana Kunesova Orawczak's book L'Absurde dans le théâtre Dada et présurréaliste français, Brno: Filozofická fakulta, Masarykova univerzita, 2016
2019, « Utopie et réalité de la fin de l’art. L’art russe de la révolution d’Octobre à la mort de Staline au Grand Palais », Mémoires en jeu/Memories in stake, n° 9, Summer : Fall 2019 (exhibition) https://www.memoires-en-jeu.com/actu/rouge-art-et-utopie-au-pays-des-soviets/
2009, Catherine Wermester, Grosz, l’homme le plus triste d’Europe, Paris, Allia, 2008, 72p, notice 117, Critique d’art n° 33
2009, Chants exploratoires/Minotaure/La revue d’Albert Skira, 1933-1939, Genève, Cabinet des Estampes du musée, 2008, 111p, notice 246, Critique d’art n° 33
2009, Laurence Bertrand Dorléac, Maurice Fréchuret, Fernand Léger, Les Constructeurs, Paris, réunions des Musées nationaux, 2008, 55p, notice 197, Critique d’art n° 33
2009, Nicolas Beaupré and al., L’Autre Allemagne : rêver la paix (1914-1924), Milan, 5 Continents/Péronne, Historial de la Grande Guerre, 2008, 112p, notice 242, Critique d’art n° 33
General Art Magazines
2021, “Camille Bryen, the Forgotten Glory of Saint-Germain-des-Prés”, La Gazette Drouot, October 2021, https://www.gazette-drouot.com/article/camille-bryen-the-forgotten-glory-of-saint-germain-des-pres/28430
2021, “Supports/Surfaces: Painting above All”, La Gazette Drouot, May 2021, https://www.gazette-drouot.com/en/article/supports%252Fsurfaces%253A-painting-above-all/24675
2021, “Wols between Myth and Reality”, La Gazette Drouot, February 2021, https://www.gazette-drouot.com/en/article/wols-between-myth-and-reality/21611
Conferences & Lectures
Conference organisation
November 17th-20th 2022, 4th conference of the ISSS (International Society for the Study of Surrealism),virtual, https://surrealismstudies.org/isss-surrealisms-2022-call-for-proposals-appel-a-propositions-convocatoria-de-propuestas/
November 11th-14th 2021, 3d conference of the ISSS (International Society for the Study of Surrealism), virtual, https://surrealismstudies.org/isss-surrealisms-2021-schedule-and-how-to-join/
Dec. 14-15 2010: Auditorium of the University of Paris Ouest, International conference “Les années 30: Art et Résistance”, with the Research lab HAR and the journal Dissidences (presentation of the special issue, the articles and authors, debates and round tables)
Academic papers and invited talks
February 1 2023, « Il n’y a pas d’aventure purement humaine ! » Abhumanism in the context of post-World War II Paris, invited talk at KU Leuven (MDRN lectures) http://www.mdrn.be/news/mdrn-lecture-abhumanism-post-wwii-paris-iveta-slavkova-american-u-paris ; https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2XEtS_U7_JU
November 19 2022, “Breaking the body limits: the anti-humanist vision of the self in the abhumanist works of Jacques Audiberti and Camille Bryen”, 4th conference of the ISSS (International Society for the Study of Surrealism), online
November 12 2021, “Earth as a Desert: Surrealism and Ecology (revisited)” panel organization and round table with Anne Marie Butler, Donna Roberts, Christina Heflin, Julia Drost, Samantha Kavky, 3d conference of the ISSS (International Society for the Study of Surrealism), online
May 26 2021, “Penser le corps corps au-delà de l’humanisme, Jacques Audiberti et l’abhumanisme”, The Politics and Narratives of bodies/Politiques et récits du corps, May 26-28 2021, Universidad Nacional del Nordeste (Argentina) and Fernando Gonçalves,Universidade do Estado de Rio de Janeiro (Brazil), online https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uxSNNPxkKW8&list=PLcXlcesjzxY_s3nIs0Oqip-tfwm_HvaI9&index=3
February 12 2021: “Earth as a Desert: The Ecology of Surrealism”, Panel chair and organizer with Anne Marie Butler (Kalamazoo College), for the CAA (College Art Association) Annual Meeting 2021, topic “Art and Climate Change”, online
November 3d 2020: Presentation of my monograph Réparer l’homme, annual meeting of the “Association des Amis de Jacques Audiberti”, online
March 15 2019: “Abhumanism after World-War II Paris: a “Periphery” within a “centre”, Art in the Periphery, Instituto de História Contemporânea da Universidade NOVA de Lisboa e Instituto de História da Arte da Universidade NOVA de Lisboa (Lisbon)
November 2 2018: “L’homme n’est peut-être pas le centre de l’univers” : Surrealism and Abhumanism, SURREALISMS: Inaugural Conference of the ISSS, Bucknell University Humanities Center
September 6 2018: “Abhumanism as realism: assuming cruelty”, Realisms, EAM (The European Network for Avant-Garde and Modernism Studies), University of Münster
March 12 2018, “World War I and Commemoration”, invited talk, seminar Memory and Commemoration in Europe taught by Yael Hirsch, CIEE Paris
September 15 2017: “Oscar Schlemmer’s logo for the Bauhaus: the dictate of totalizing unity”, Dictators and degenerates. Modernism, Fascism and the Pursuit of Culture, University College Dublin
June 17 2016, « Entre charme et effroi. « Circus Wols », le récit de Wols des années terribles », La France en guerre : cinq « années terribles » 1792-1793 / 1814-1815 / 1870-1871 / 1914-1915 / 1939-1940, University of Clermont-Auvergne
July 18 2014: “The Aviator, the Avant-garde and the Great War. The Crossing of the Skies between ultimate spirituality and ultimate potential of destruction”, in Annual Conference of the “Space in Between” Society, London, Institute of English Studies, University of London
December 5 2013: “L’aviateur : chevalier éternel, héros moderne, Homme nouveau des avant-gardes”, 1914 : Guerre et avant-garde, Université Paris Nanterre
March 15 2013: “La marginalité comme condition de l’art : l’alcoolisme de Wols vu par Sartre”, round table and debate around the publication Les Arts drogués (Presse Universitaires de Paris Ouest), Maison Rouge/Fondation Antoine-de-Galbert, Paris in relation to the exhibition Sous influences. Artistes et psychotropes, 15 février—19 mai 2013
November 21 2012, “Histoire des arts : arts visuels, quelques clefs pour lire les images”, château de Grignan, Châteaux de la Drôme/ Ministère de l’Éducation Nationale
September 7 2012: “Rethinking Camille Bryen's Materiality within the Framework of his Own Abhumanist Theory”, in Material meanings, EAM (The European Network for Avant-Garde and Modernism Studies), University of Kent, Canterbury
April 11 2011 : “Le futurisme entre propagande et revendication libertaire”, in Art & Propagande : jeux inter-dits/Gevaarlijk spel tussen kunst en propaganda, Auschwitz Foundation/Bibliothèque royale Albertina, Brussels
June 7 2010 : “Quelle définition pour l’avant-garde?”, round table “The End of the Avant-Gardes”, invited speaker, Ecole Normale Supérieure, Paris
September 26 2009: “La bouteille de Wols”, in La Création ivre. L’alcool comme métaphore, moteur et motif artistique (16-20e siècles), Institut National d’Histoire de l’art (INHA), Paris
July 2 2009: “The New Man and Humanism: Back to the Difference between Dada and Futurism”, in Back to the Futurists: Avant-Gardes 1909-2009, Queen Mary University London, University of London, Swansea University
October 17 2008: “The Saatchi Collection between Art Loving and Self-interested Investment”, Modernity of Collections, Center of Contemporary Art, Torun
August 18 2007: “Dalí entre 1925-1929. Le désir n’est pas humaniste”, Dalí. Sur les traces d’Eros, Cerisy-la-Salle
February 3 2007, “Détruire le sujet pour construire une communauté nouvelle. Réflexion sur Dada et le politique”, La Destruction et l’avant-garde, Institut National d’Histoire de l’art (INHA), Paris
October 12 2006: “La Révolution surréaliste démythifie l’humanisme”, seminar Fabrique surréaliste, Centre de recherche sur le surréalisme, Université de Paris 3
March 6-9 2002, “Circus Wols, un projet de Wols au camp des Milles”, Les Ecrits d’artistes depuis 1940, École Normale Supérieure (Paris)/IMEC (Caen)
April 5 2001: “Wols entre la France et l’Allemagne”, conference and round table, Centre allemand d’Histoire de l’art (Paris)
- 2020-now: Member of the Editorial Board of Arts
- 2018-now: Member of the ISSS (International Society for the Study of Surrealism)
- 2017-present: Member of the association “Les Amis de Jacques Audiberti”
- 2016-present: Member of the Editorial Board of 20/21, Presses universitaires de Paris Ouest
- 2012-present: Member of the “European Network for Avant-Garde and Modernism Studies” (EAM)
- 2010-2018, Member of the Research Lab “Histoire de l’art et des représentations” HAR, (EA 3461, Paris-Ouest-Nanterre)
- 2010-2014, Member of the editorial board of the journal Dissidences
- 2001-2012, Member of the Research Lab “Cultural and Social History of Art”, HiCSA (EA 4100, Paris I Panthéon-Sorbonne)
Research Areas
- Art, War, Politics, Humanism, New Man, avant-garde, modernism